Ok, I never blog because I either do not have pictures, or I do not have my camera cord to hook up my camera. Even though I do not have a picture I thought I would do a new post.
Well the past couple of months have been some super busy, fun, and crazy months. I have been doing my student teaching at Lehi High School and I have loved it! I do finish this week, and even though I will miss it I am excited to be able to get ready for my baby, and have some time to actually think. CJ has been the best husband I could ask for the past couple of months. He has been working 40 hrs a week, going to school full time, and working on his instrumental rating for his flying. He was getting close to braking a record at UVU's flight program with how fast he was getting his instrument rating, but he had to take some time off this weekend to be with me while I was in the hospital, so I might have made it not possiable for him. I do appreciate him though because he is always their when I need him.
Life is very fascinating, and I love when you are able to look back and see how God has really blessed your life. These last couple of days I have experienced more miracles than I could have ever really imagined. I have had back pains lately, but I just assumed that I am pregnant and that was normal. They got to the point though on Thursday that I left teaching, and I wondered how I was going to walk. It was hurting to the point that I would put all my weight on one leg, and just limp around. I decided to call my doctor, and see maybe if their was a stretch or exercise that I could do that would maybe help with my pain. The nurse immediately asked about my symptoms, and said they wanted me to go to the hospital to get an ultrasound. She said hopefully it was just a pulled muscle, but their was a chance that it could be a blod clot. As soon as she said those words my mind started racing, and I got sick to my stomach. Being pregnant I just immediately thought of my baby, and the worst possiable scenarios came to my mind. I started to cry, and I was scared to death. I do not like to be thought of as a wimp though, so I did not want my family to see me crying, or I did not want the doctors to think here is a preganant lady who has nothing wrong with her and she is crying. I immediately said a prayer, and it was one of the most amazing things ever. I had a sense of peace come over me, and I knew I could do it. I was immediately able to stop crying. I was still scared to death, but I had a sense of feeling that I could deal with it.
I ended up going to the AF hospital. CJ was able to leave his flying, and meet me their about the same time. They ended up doing an ultrasound, and they did find that I did not have much blood flow to my leg. Their was a blood clot in my lower abdomen. They ended up admiting me to the hospital for the night. I have to admit being in the hospital with no pain medication since a pregnant lady can not have anything but Tylenol is not very fun. I currently still have the blood clot, but they have put me on blood thiners. The blood thiner I am on is called lovanox, and it is a shot twice a day. This has been another miracle because I am deathly afraid of needles, but so far I have been able to get through the shots thanks to my heavenly father.
Looking back at the last couple of months though I can see how my Heavenly Father was watching out for me. Back in August right before CJ started flying I kept thinking we should get life insurance and I would feel better about CJ flying. We ended up getting life insurance for both CJ and I. Then about a month ago we started meeting with a finacial planner to talk about our life long goals, programs we wanted to set up for our child, and etc. This finacial guy suggested that we get life insurace, and I told him that we already had it. He asked me about our policy, and he just wanted to look at it, and see if he could get us anything better. He ended up coming back to us, and told us that he was very impressed that we got life insurace before CJ started flying because now that he is was flying he could only get ridicously high insurance, so he said their was no way we could get better than what we had. I was very grateful that my Heavenly Father prompted me to get it before CJ even started to fly. He did suggest though that we change my life insurace. My current life insurace was only a ten year policy, and if something major happened to me in those ten years it would be harder and more expensive to renew my policy. He showed me a policy that was good for 80 years. The policy would require that I pay about five more dollars a month than I was currently paying, but it would be good for 80 years. I debated back and forth, and finally I figured five dollars is not very much, so I might as well get the 80 year plan. We went through all of the paperwork, blood work, and etc in order to get approved. About a week ago we found out that everything was good, and that I was accepted. Now for the miracle is now that I have a blood clot it would be extremally difficult to ever get life insurance. Not that I am going to die anytime soon I am planning on living till I am 100, but it is very comforting to know that I have it, and that Heavenly Father was watching out for me. I am just very grateful that I have the gospel in my life, and that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with the companionship of the HOly Ghost.
Sorry, this is way to long, and if you have read this far I am impressed!
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